Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hazy Lazzy Not So Sunny Day

Assalamualaikum & greetings creatures,

It's so hazy out there~!! Laziness all over me lebih-lebih lagi pada hari yang super hot but not so sunny day ni! Acececeh! Bukan tiap hujung minggu memang hari malas engkau ke faz? Serius panas wei dekat luar and yet super duper heavy hazy dekat Shah Alam ni sangat bahaya.

So meh la kita enjoy our homie day! Best apa duk dalam rumah ni. Plan hari ni ialah edit manuskrip Secebis Cinta Intan (The Major Activity), buat #bookreview for Sept's Books, malam nanti pulak baru buat video editing+graphic editing stuff (THE CRUCIAL WORK OF MINE) yang nak kena siap jugak because the deadline keep chasing me around. Blame the procrastination habit of mine. Dush~! Dush~!

Not forgetting to enjoy the sweetness of  M&M & listening to my favorite evergreen's songs! (Mariah Carey, Savage Garden, Air Supply, Kenny G, R Kelly, George Benson ) and lastly baca one or two pages of The Wit & Wisdom of Dr Mahathir Mohammad as per syarat for reading of the day activity.

Memandangkan hari ni baik hati. Faz akan keep updating teaser SCI dalam blog sambil mengedit plus teaser untuk cerpen bulan 10 dekat group FB : Faz's Captured Thought. Siap #BookReview nanti faz akan update blog jugak.

Adios people~! Bye!

Awak! si comel yang baru habis baca. jangan lupa komen n share ya!

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hai comel!
Terima kasih baca & sudi komen.

Nurfazila Suhaide =)